Tag Archives: book

My First Book Published – the Whole One Copy of It :)

28 Jan

My dear friend was expecting a baby and I wanted to give her something special as a gift.

A book! A personalized book, drawn and painted by me! A boardbook – so that the baby won’t be a threat to it 🙂

I found a firm that can print one copy of a boardbook, and the work began.

Plot? About my friend, the mom, of course!

Length? The firm offered 10-page books only, no less, no more.

Storyline? Easy-peasy. My friend is quite extraordinary, so there were enough interesting (for a child) facts about her to fill even a longer book.

Language? Their son will be bilingual (English and Russian) – so the book is in both languages.

And here’s the result, 6″x6″ (all painted on my wacom tablet)